Imagine how much more productive a company would be if ALL there employees saved 47 hours per year on doing simple Excel tasks at different levels in the company. This is just an example for one employee who has an entry-level salary of $55K. You would save $1,237 per year by using Excel keyboard shortcuts.This means the analyst earns $26.44/hour (assuming 260 working days/year at 8 hours/day).An entry-level analyst earns let’s say $55,000 USD per year.Let’s put in a few assumptions about an entry-level analyst. If we take our analysis one step further, we can figure out how much money you would save learning Excel keyboard shortcuts.

The team over at Exceljet put together a similar analysis looking at the dollar value from improving a skill (such as Excel). This was a simple experiment that could be improved with a more controlled environment, but the results are pretty clear. The results show that you would be 4.5X more productive, or save 80%+ time using Excel keyboard shortcuts instead of the mouse. In order to figure out how much time Excel keyboard shortcuts would actually save you on the job, we created some basic assumptions about how many times you would use these common Excel operations every day at work and how many days you work per year. Let’s bring up the Paste Special menu which you all have seen before:Įxperiment Results: Keyboard Shortcuts Rock! Pretty self-explanatory, we want to delete an entire column from our worksheet. 453 and we want to convert this number to be a percentage format: 45%. We already have the first cell done ($12.99 X 10%), so we need a way to copy that formula down to the remaining cells. In this case, we want the empty cells in the third column to be a product of the first column times the second column. This operation involves creating a formula on a fly across a range of cells. This is creating the drop-down arrows on a basic data set as shown below. Note : all tests were done in Excel 2011 for the Mac. It takes way too much time so let’s just focus on the mouse vs. We think we should also see how long it would take to look up the Excel shortcut on Google but after doing this a few times times, but you have to open up your Internet browser, search for the shortcut, actually find the shortcut, etc.

We are testing how long it takes to complete 5 basic operations in Excel using keyboard shortcuts versus the mouse/trackpad. You waste 47 hours a year using the mouse in Excel? Setting Up The Experiment